Sunday, October 16, 2011

What's on your plate?

How many of you have seen the changes to the old food guide pyramid?  Did you notice the new layout? Researchers were paid millions of dollars to create this diagram (aka THE PLATE) to engage and educate everyday average people like you and me about healthy eating.  The  website is a resource that teaches portion sizes, food variety, and food preparation.

Look at the picture below:
  • Did it capture your attention?
  • Did you locate all the food groups?
  • What about the amounts you should choose?
Our culture has become so preoccupied by what and how much to eat that we fail to consume all the nutritious foods the body needs. I heard one comedian making fun by stating,  "We run around using the 'D' word (diet) all the time, but since I don't like to use this word or any words with DIE in it, I changed the word (i.e: my perspective).  I rearranged the spelling by placing the E in the front to create EDIT".

Diet means to place a limitation on the amount a person eats for reducing weight.

Edit means to revise or correct, to eliminate, or to add.

A valid point was made in the above statement. Try to avoid placing limitations on eating behaviors and spend your meals adding to or revising them. When God first presented food to Adam and Eve, He gave them the permission to eat of every tree of the garden freely (Gen. 2:16b). This was the first time in scripture God gave man freedom and it was in relationship to food and eating.  Be free to look at the plate as an invitation to add a variety of fruits and veggies as well as different ways of preparing meats and grains. Unless stated by your doctor, try to avoid following restrictive diets and popular fads that "claim" to result in weight loss. Choose to become a life long participant in healthful eating habits.

Check out the video below and take a closer look at the plate. Did you notice this time how empty it is? 

Food is not the enemy! Food was created to serve one major purpose - to provide us with the necessary energy needed to perform daily functions and activities.

The PLATE provides you the freedom to choose...choose a variety!
What will you put on your plate today?

 Choose Well
 Mrs Nez

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