Hello blog world it’s been a long while since we were last in conversation and my goodness many changes both invited and uninvited has occurred in my life. Through it all I’ve been persuaded and this truth remains consistent “Change is a part of life and if we live long enough we will experience it” - in its fullness. Yet even more than this we must know without a doubt that ‘He (God) CHANGES the times and the seasons (i.e. weather & seasons of our lives)’ (Daniel 2:21) and if He is able to cause change He can surely assist us through those times of change.
We try our best to prevent or prepare for change, but it’s not until change is currently present that we realize what’s truly required of us. Those changes related to our well-being can be easy or difficult depending on the situation. We all respond to change in our own unique ways. However, the way the human mind responds to change is fascinating. There are two common forms of change, uninvited and invited. Uninvited change is difficult because it is quickly thrust upon you and appears to be closely attached to emotions and fears - some you didn’t even know you possessed. For example, you may experience an injury, illness, or disease which can be totally unexpected, yet require immediate change. Change can also be planned or invited; this type is challenging but oftentimes will allot the time needed to prepare for the process of transition. This form of change is a little less emotional and fearful. Regardless, the successful outcome of either is completely dependent upon us.
The process of change for involving exercise, invited and uninvited, into daily lifestyle habits eventually meet on similar paths. On this path you are the one who will decide when and where or if you will begin your new exercise filled lifestyle. Meaning, you become the determining factor of how you want to look, feel, or whether you desire more energy while establishing a healthier you (what’s on the inside and outside). Let’s visit the phases of change, can you identify where you are and when you plan to jump in?
Pre-Contemplation | Inactive with no intentions of beginning an exercise program within the next 6 months. |
Contemplation | Would like to change but keep putting it off – this stage could last 2 yrs or more. |
Preparation | Intentions to start an exercise program with the next month. |
Action | Began an exercise routine – not fully committed. |
Maintenance | Has participated in exercise activities 6 months or longer. |
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