Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tis The Season


This morning I was talking with my oldest daughter about giving for Christmas and begin to think of you! Over the past few months I have experienced how giving has resulted in growing relationships, trust, and a deeper care for those I give to. This blog, like many, is all about giving, giving, giving. In past blog posts, I have attempted to give readers encouragement as well as the necessary tools and strategies to improve their well-being. The exciting part about this aspect of giving is it stems from what I have been given and it is not a burden - I'm excited to share.  Although, I must admit that I have not reached the level of giving as my blog counterparts who give products to their readers. I'm soooo behind (hehe) - Keep an eye out for reader and new member give away's in 2012 .  

I wanted this blog post to be a little different than previous posts. I would like for it to take the focus off of me providing and you receiving info about living well.  Let it become a challenge for you to give some of the tools you have gained from this blog or other places about healthy living and use them as a source of inspiration for others that seek to improve their health. 

Here's the challenge: For 60 days go out of your way to give your support, encouragement, or compliment those near you that want to make lifestyle changes by: 
  • Sharing your excitement about their choice to start a workout program. 
  • Complimenting the colorfulness (more veggies & fruit) on their plate.
  • Showing delight when served healthy meals and snacks.
  • Offering to wake up earlier or go to bed later to exercise with a spouse while children are sleeping.
  • Cheering, clapping, stomping, and yelling in exuberance for their well-being.
 I dare you to surprise someone this Christmas with the gift of your selfless support and approval. I'm sure you will still have enough cheering left over to encourage yourself.
Each of you must make up your own mind about how much to give... God can bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others - Corinthians 9:7-8 ECV.

Giving Well Today

Mrs. Nez 

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