Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where do you live?

We traveled many miles this summer, more than summers past. We put the rubber to the road having to leave our van behind on one leg of the trip. Yet, after crossing many states and seeing many faces I was left to wonder what attracts us to the states or cities we live. Were you born and raised there? Did you go to school and remain there? or Like me did you set up camp in a location where you've always wanted to live?

As we traveled from place to place nothing appeared all that different about the states & cities. Well yeah, some of the places were vacation spots with beaches, some bearing a mountainous terrain, and others just plain ole hot, but outside of that each of the states were more alike than not alike.  I'm sure you're thinking "That's speaking like a visitor standing on the outside looking in". You're the resident, tell me how you view your state from the inside looking out? How WELL do you determine your state to be?

If you've never considered your state in that way, take the time today to consider the well-being of the people living around you. The 2010 Gallup/Healthways well-being index poll was recently released. The poll surveyed 1,000 people each month about their well-being. The index evaluated the persons life, emotional health, physical health, healthy behaviors, and work environment. Yes I know they failed to survey each of us including you and me, but they came up with some interesting facts about the well-being of people we know, don’t know, have passed by in the grocery store, gone to church with, and possibly even work with. The people that were surveyed are from among us, they are us!

Take a look at the map below and find your state's level of well-being or click on the link and find where your state ranks.  

I will go first: I just moved from the state of Iowa where well-being level was listed as midrange and the state ranked 19th among the states to Tennessee where the state's level of well-being was in the low range and ranks 40th. Having this knowledge forces me to determine if I will allow my state to cause an effect on my current level of well-being or if I will allow my well-being to have an affect on my STATE!

Go ahead look below, take notice of your current "STATE"?


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