Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Activities?

Hello Blog World,

I was thinking about you this morning wondering how your summer was going. Our summer has been filled with excitement and adventure. This is one of the 1st summers in a long time that my husband and I have had a chance to workout together consistently. It's amazing the freedoms given back to us as our children age and begin to take on responsibility. We have enjoyed riding our bikes to the out door track, we stretch, and then run. Yesterday we ran laps and then sprinted way too many 200's for my gluteus maximus (butt). My muscles were not so pleased by the time I finished, but they recovered enough to get me back home.
We have also gone to the pool for workouts. I laugheded with my husband last week saying,  "I have been getting my heart rate way above 200 beats/minute and I probably burn about 1000 calories doing swim activities, because I spend so much time fighting against the water". I am not a good swimmer but I do welcome the challenge of becoming one.

What are your summer activities? Are you taking on any new challenges?

Living Life Well
Mrs. Nez

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