Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Real Good

   To turn your attention towards your health in terms of living a healthy lifestyle would mean to absolutely set your eyes on the Creator. When the Creator completed His masterpiece, He described you as GOOD (Gen 1:31). The amazing thing about this Creator of ours is He has never relented in thinking great and beautiful thoughts of you (PS. 139:17). He has never stopped longing to be gracious to you in all areas of your life and well-being.

 To truly give attention to your well-being you will have to do a comparison study. Measure the place you currently find yourself, and compare it to how you were designed to function.

 Does your current state resemble the thoughts God had in mind when He fashioned you?

if not I challenge you to ‘take your everyday, ordinary life—your:
  • sleeping
  • eating
  • going-to-work 
  • walking-around life
place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him…fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. (Rom 12:1 msg).

 Give thanks for your life and those areas of your body that you have so long despised or looked down upon. Whether it's the flabby thighs, stretch marks, wide butt, or a gut that just won’t go away, Take it and offer it to our God with a heart-felt thank you. You are not thanking Him for the sight that has received your unapproved two thumbs down gesture, but in the fact that He created you with what you need to change your situation. When you show your appreciation it gives God permission to grace you with the strength, courage, knowledge, and unction to press continually in GOOD.

 Yes your butt may be too wide for your liking, but say Lord I thank you for the functioning of my butt = my gluteus maximus – the largest muscle in my body, surrounding my femur and pelvic bones, including all the ligaments, tendons, joints, veins and arteries housed in this area. Thank you that it keeps me standing erect and assist me daily in squatting, bending, and moving from place to place. As much as I desire to lose some of the fatty tissue in this area, I thank you for allowing it to function the way you designed it…GOOD.

 If at all keep your mouth from despising any area God created in His image and after his likeness = that includes all of YOU.


Mrs. Nez

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