Walking around with this arrogance that we have plenty of time in our lives to give attention to our house (body)…Except Today!
Neglecting the basic acts of properly maintaining and restoring yourself. Not taking the time to participate in daily exercise, get a fresh breath of air, or even considering your need for rest. Check this - If you could take your car to the mechanic every three months for basic maintainence why would you deny your body this sort of intentional routine care? Ok so you don't take your car in every three months and it breaks down, you could easily have the damaged parts repaired or replaced. Can you say the same for your body?
If you are interested in the value you place on your body, just begin to evaluate the way you live, for the path you have chosen will not LIE. Don’t get me wrong there are things that occur in life that prevents us from taking extreme actions, but nothing should hinder us from taking time to go for a walk, cook a well balanced meal, or get adequate amounts of sleep.
Today is a new day, and an UNCOMMON OPPORTUNITY invitation has come to you.
Go ahead seize the Moment!
- Your life, your body, your wellness was made and shaped with value.
- You were created uncommon and what you do everyday matters and does not go overlooked by God.
- You were not created common or unimportant.
God only made one of you, so even if you wanted to treat yourself as common, it would still be impossible to change this fact: "When God Made You He Only Made One Of You".
Honor God by honoring His creation YOU!
Mrs Nez
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