Some will tell you to abstain or keep away from certain foods, because they produce outcomes adverse to the body image you desire for yourself. These people are what 1Timothy 4:1-2 (msg) call professional liars or people that have received great riches lying to individuals about the latest creation of the perfect diet. Professionals that have so long manipulated people into believing they have the answers, have completely lost their capacity to recognize the truth.
We cannot continue to follow everything that sounds good. We must firmly believe the answers to our nutritional needs are not found in abstaining from foods, but possessed in considering the full cost of putting two chunks of cake into our mouths. If you noticed I didn’t say slices. We overeat for many reasons and I’m sure we have very good explanations as to why. Eventually however, we will have to responsibly ask the question, ‘If we know the cost of reacting to such behaviors, why do we continue in the pattern’? Patterns that consist of uncontrollable eating followed by, refusing to eat those same foods (for a while) because of guilt. Is this the way we want to live? This is not freedom! This is bondage! This form of behavior teaches us nothing about self control or maintaining our compulsive eating behaviors. It only pacifies for a moment. Then back to where we started …searching for something that works!
Just for the record there are/will be moments when we must abstain from food (medical or spiritual-fasting) for a time, but the above mentioned case is not one of them.
Moderation requires a form of discipline that teaches the body and mind while
1. Consider the cost or outcome of repeatedly participating in compulsive behaviors.
2. Display the courage and strength to say I have had enough.
We need not abstain or over-obtain, but BE believing:
Yes moderation is key … the WORD (God’s spoken, revealed, rhema) opens the door to a LIFE.
Bwela Today
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