Sunday, February 28, 2010

Invitation To Conversation

It is very difficult for many of us to talk about our current state as it pertains to our health and well being. Many of us find it almost embarrassing or taboo to speak on issues concerning our weight, eating habits, and health conditions. Our health is one of those areas we hold personal and dear to us, so we become over-protective when discussing its subject matter. We feel this way because our current state is closely associated with who we are or what we have become.

As we share our stories we place ourselves in a vulnerable position. I believe any time we speak on topics that are sensitive to us it makes the opinions of others appear as if they are attacking who we are, instead of the topic we discuss. So instead of expressing our frustrations, hurts, failures, and small achievements in these areas, we take on the attitude that “I’ll keep these struggles to myself until I am able to figure them out”.

If I may take this moment to address this one simple fact – We were created and learn best when in dialogue, interaction, and conversations with one another. We become our best self when we have the opportunity to express our perspectives, opinions, core beliefs and exchange truth. The goal is to come into conversation with each other that we may gain understanding and be healed from the misunderstandings and sometimes fears that we have created. Just think there are so many conversations and personal stories shared in the word of God that brought forth clarity to those that listened, understanding to those that thought they already had the answers, and healing to those that recognized truth and believed.

In the previous blogs I don’t believe I invited you to carry on a conversation with me concerning the current and future state of our WELA = sound, healthy, prosperous state. Well, from this point on you are cordially invited to share your perspectives on each of the topics raised. As a matter of fact I will be posting some materials from what would hopefully become one of my first writing projects, so I encourage you to share your stories, insights, struggles, victories, and beliefs as we grow and learn together. We have seen and witnessed with our own eyes, that it only takes one conversation, one story shared, one moment of truth revealed that forever changes our perspective.


We do live life better together!

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