Sunday, May 1, 2011

Father Time...can you beat him?

Hello All,

Yesterday I was able to do something I had not done in a while, play a pick-up game of basketball. I was able to join many of the young ladies from our church who both entertained and challenged me on the b-ball court. For those that know me it doesn’t take a lot to get me AMPED when it comes to basketball. What can I say? I love the game. I don’t get to play much, with the exception of shooting around and running a few drills with my daughter in the front drive way. But man did it feel good being back on the hardwood.

Just last week I was teasing about Derrick Fisher of the LA Lakers saying ‘He’s a smart player, but even that doesn’t help much when going up against some of these younger, quicker guards. You would think having b-ball smarts would be a great asset in playing the game, but it really only gives you a small advantage. Especially, when you factor youthful speed into the equation. I’m telling you I stepped on that court with players at least 10 years my youth (wow that makes me sound old). It wasn’t that I was so old, they were just really really young. It use to be that I was always the fastest person on the floor, lead every fast break, I was quick on the steal, and 1st to a loose ball. I had to joke on myself, because at times I would forget I wasn’t in my late teens or twenties anymore. I would think to do things my body would not give way to. On one play in particular we were down and I wanted to steal the ball and run it back for a quick two. Well my mind kept saying steal the ball - you got this, steal the ball. I promise you my body would not move in the direction of the ball.

In my mind I wanted to do much more, but my body kept saying 'you better keep it simple and preserve your energy if you want to finish'. I laughed so much at the fact that I have reached that time where I have come to notice a few aging changes in my physical body. However, I am so determined to manipulate what has easily become rapid aging changes (in the lives of many), by prolonging and maintaining these stagesby participating in exercise and nutritious eating habits.

However when it’s all said and done I am 100% in agreement with the NBA Basketball Analyst Mark Jackson when he adamantly proclaims ‘Father time is undefeated’.

Have you noticed any age related physical changes lately?
Mrs. Nez

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