How many of you are still working out your New Years Commitment to a new and healthier you?
Don’t feel bad if you have given up on starving yourself or working out until every muscle you didn’t even know you had was sore. Who wants that? Well you know what I like to say “EVERYTHING IN MODERATION & ADD VARIETY”. If you have given up don't feel like you have failed, because it’s never too late to begin again. Only this time do it for real, by setting realistic goals and being patient with the departure of your special but un-invited guest (fat-o-malley).
Goal setting?

As creatures of habit when we have to re-adjust aspects of our living it takes purposeful planning or it tends to not work. Goals are never ending, they are only met and replaced with a different goal.
When my first daughter was born weighing 9lbs and 12 oz, I was left with 50 extra lbs. to live with or deal with. Now I am not a fanatic about anything, but I did recognize the state of my physical well-being. This was my first born and I enjoyed every waking moment (which seemed to outweigh the sleeping moments) with her. However, after 3 months of pampering her and allowing my body to undergo the proper healing, I begin to set goals as to how I wanted to perform this task. Now I do realize that I had an edge up on many individuals because I am an exercise specialist, but I will at all times admit the task of weight loss required from me is the same amount of effort as for anyone else. But you gotta do what you gotta do!
Life will continually present new challenges that will cause us to set new goals. And sometimes old goals may not assist you in tackling new challenges. I can honestly say the goals I set 15 year ago are not the same goals I have today. After goals are met, new goals are set ...It keeps life exciting!
What are some of the goals have you set? How do you plan to see them through?
Everyone Please try not to respond all at once, I would not want the internet server to crash :)
Living Life Well
Mrs. Nez
cool mom, i luv it :)
a goal i plan to set is to open my own restarant. i plan to achive this goal by rasing enoughnd money a never giving up
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