Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Workout Creation

 It's January, the beginning of a new year and the perfect time to get into the mind set of improving your well-being. Despite all you have heard, there are some good workout routines out there and flopping on the couch is not one of them. Finding a workout you enjoy and one that helps you reach your fitness goals seems be the toughest part for many. In previous years I'm sure you've made some interesting attempts at finding what’s right for you.  Have you thought about doing a different form of planning this year? Would you consider planning your exercise/fitness routine here with us at Live N Life Well?

 How will we do that you ask? It's simple. We will use the team approach. You, Me, and the entire blog community will give input to create or suggest workouts that's fun and challenging. Plus you may actually stick with it knowing you have a group of friends cheering you on. This is your chance to give your advice or input to help benefit the well-being of others .... I'm sure you will resist it a little, but there are some that would love to give their 2 cents about weight loss and exercise. My only request is if you participate you must be all in - be willing to give a little and receive a little.  I do reserve the right to inform readers of comments or advice that appear to be potentially harmful to their well-being.

Here we go... In the sections below list workouts/exercises that you enjoy doing or those that gave you the best results. It could be workouts from DVD's, classes, individual exercises that include strength training, flexibility, or cardiovascular exercises. You could also list specific exercises like push-ups, planks, and crunchers, etc. Lets design the most exciting work out program that anyone of any fitness level could benefit from.

I will go first: I am at the gym 3-4 days a week for 1 hour. I try to alternate exercises each of the days (although they may target some of the same muscle groups). My most favorite is doing interval (running/walking) training on the treadmill as well as free & machine weights.

Early fall I enjoyed a few weeks of Zumba class with co-workers. If you like to dance or dance to Latino music, this is the class for you. This class is high energy and exciting ... loved this class.

Remember - Thinking about what you plan to do before you actually do it is the first phase of change called PRE-CONTEMPLATION! Pre-Contemplation is one the most important phases of change - WELL at least until you move on to the next phase (I discussed these phases in one of my earlier blogs called 'Ready - Set- Here Comes Change').

The Ultimate Exercise Prescription:
Warm up (3-5 min)
Cardiovascular Exercise (20-40 min)
Strength Exercise (6-8 exercises)
Cool Down/Flexibility (3-5 min)

Feel free to comment on all or a few of these areas. Don't be shy...give your 2 cents worth. We are all in need of something new to keep us excited about working out.

We do life better together
Mrs. Nez

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