Monday, April 26, 2010

‘Anything you can do I can do better’ – Muscular Endurance Exercise

'Anything you can do I can do better. I can do anything better than you!'

I am competitive by nature and I have always enjoyed competing in most anything, especially those things that required me to be physical, show my strength, prove my speed, or out last my opponent. My earliest memories of competing came by way of racing my mom and brother through the parking lot of our apartment complex growing up. They would always give me a head start, because like me they didn’t know the meaning of not giving 100%.

Well I haven’t changed much, but I did come to realize that all those boys my home-girls and I beat in basketball and running grew bigger and stronger until…they could almost beat us. I hope you didn’t think I was going to admit that we let them beat us!

I tease my husband about our physical make up and say ‘if God had just given me a little testosterone (for muscle purposes only), nobody couldn’t tell me anything’! He would respond ‘you look at yourself in the mirror enough already’! Don’t get me wrong I am so very thankful to God for having the ability to produce other hormones, for without them I wouldn’t know the miracle of reproduction.

MEN were created with a natural capacity to produce higher levels of muscle mass than women. It’s almost like you have a natural, built in form of muscle enhancer (steroid). Testosterone assist men in gaining higher levels of muscle mass, but you can only reap the massive benefits if you participate in resistance training.

MEN you have testosterone production to assist you in many areas of life, use it to your advantage…Train & Build your Muscles!

Then you can become an added source of encouragement to your wives, mothers, sisters, nieces, and aunts.

Men – resistance training is something you can do & I can do, but the benefits you get may be far greater!

Listed below is a way to Building Muscular Fitness through Muscular Endurance Exercises: Strength training without all the weight (high repetition and low weight)

Muscular Endurance Exercise Prescription: (F.I.T.T.)

Frequency: 2-4 Days/ week

Intensity: 40-60% of 1RM (1RM is the amount that’s difficult to lift one time, following the process of lifting increased amounts of weight). [If 1RM is 75lbs and you were to lift 40-60% of that weight = 30-45lbs].
  • 15-25 repetitions/set.
  • Moderate weight, should fatigue at the end of each set.
  • 1 minute rest between set.
  • This may require more time or fewer exercises per workout to fit into workout time frame.

Time: 2-3 Days/week

Type: Create workouts using body weight, resistance bands, machine weights, or free weights.

Goal is to build muscle endurance participating in activities that require repetitive movements that you would naturally use for daily functioning. For example, squatting motion using hand held dumbbells (mimic lifting bags of groceries).

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Gen 1:27 NKJ.

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