Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's In You...Fly!

What a perfect day of reflection on our Great big God! While walking across campus (Iowa State University) on a sunny 80 degree day in Iowa – in April, a thought crossed my mind. Why do I think about, write about, and often find myself talking about the hope we have in Jesus as it relates to our well-being? I mean in this environment people intentionally place their focus and learning in a lot of places and on a variety of issues, why this area for me?
Well while thinking on all other religions, beliefs, and areas of faith (of which I have limited knowledge on), I have found this one thing to be amazing. Christianity is the only faith were we believe we have this All Powerful, All Knowing, and Faithful Being who always wants what’s best for us – living in us. That was a mouth full! Is it possible for us to believe something so great lives in us and not hope to see it working? Ok so, if I believe that superman lives in me, I would become 100% sure that I could fly.

This great God that we serve, He LIVES IN US and not only that, HE’s MORE GREATER (if I may) than anything else. We must realize that because of Him we can do more than we even imagined possible for us?

• We can run with against a troop (with blazing Glory) (Ps 18:29).
• We can leap over walls (Ps 18:29).
• We can go (on occasions) and eat the fat and drink the sweet without sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nem 8:10).

My passion in this area is not really geared towards everyone. Yes I’m very partial, although I desire ALL to live and be well. My passion and intent is geared toward those that are believers in the word of the One who Lives - God.

As we celebrate his death, burial, and resurrection and reflect on the life we now have because of Him, be persuaded that you can run, leap, eat and yes even FLY (on a plane)!  :)

BWELA Today!

Mrs. Nez


Jonathan hill said...

Keep writing Sis I subscribe via email so I get all of your post. Bless ya

HYPE Ministry said...

That psalm is one of my favorites to read to get me hype! Because of my Lord I can run through a troop, I can leap over walls! Yes the S is for Savior, Salvation!
And.... I can use that Power to eat! Ohhh yeah!! you do know that eating was a form of worship back in the day with the children of Israel! :-)