Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Normal Eating

Did you wake up this morning determined to get this eating thing right? Did you take some of your precious moment to plan what you would eat or did you just grab the first thing in sight? I think we give too much attention to the many scientifically proven ways to eat, when eating has been something we have been practicing since birth. Eating is fun and food gives us energy to carryout our daily activities. I don't know about you but I like to eat.  In the world of food experts I would probably be labeled a borderline foodie. Yes, I am one of those who take the time to read food labels and I enjoy watching the food network (Paula Deen and Chopped). But, following food fads or wasting tons of time with food preparation is not my thing.  I only cook because I like to eat :) .
 Eating is one of our seven laws of health, meaning it's good for you and it's good to improve your well being. The difficult part for many of us is understanding the how's, when's, and why's of eating. I ran across this excerpt on 'Normal Eating' taken from Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family by Ellyn Satter that I thought you would enjoy. These simple points about normal eating challenged some of my long held views about eating. This was perfect timing considering nutrition was one of the listed topics of discussion on the blog survey, along with exercise and fitness.  Since we recently enjoyed 8 weeks of exercising during the commercial breaks of our favorite TV shows. Let's spend a few moments on Normal Eating. Keep in mind however that living well requires us to give attention to the whole body, mind, and spirit components. We only get one body and each area (including eating) must be full involved in order to complete us and complement what we were purposed to do. I pray these points will challenge your current view and free you from the eating habits that keep you from living a well life.


  • Normal eating is going to the table hungry and eating until you are satisfied. It is being able to choose food you like and truly get enough of it - not just stop eating because you think you should. 
  • Normal eating is being able to give some thought to your food selection so you get nutritious food, but not being so wary and restrictive that you miss out on enjoyable food. 
  • Normal eating is giving yourself permission to eat sometimes because you are happy, sad, or bored, or just because it feels good. 
  • Normal eating is three meals a day, or four or five, or it can be choosing to munch along the way. 
  •  It is leaving some cookies on the plate because you know you can have again tomorrow, or it is eating more now because it taste so wonderful.
  •  Normal eating is overeating at times, feeling stuffed and uncomfortable; It is also under eating at times and wishing you had more.
  •  Normal eating is trusting your body to make up for your mistakes in eating.
  •  Normal eating takes up some of your time and attention, but it keeps its place as only one important area of your life.

In short normal eating is flexible. It varies in response to your hunger, your schedule, your proximity to food and your feelings.

Live Well
Mrs. Nez

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