Monday, February 6, 2012

Exercise of the Week Challenge ... Are You In?

I got it! You want to do something- anything.  Well alright so let do something!

I plan to post an exercise of the week for the next 6-8 week and I am wondering if you would like to get in? I will provide some simple cardio, strength and core building exercises including photos and videos to ensure you have what you need for proper technique. The exercise should be performed during the commercial breaks of your favorite TV show. It will be fun.

Following an hour long show you will have put in a total of 10 minutes of exercise. For those like me who's favorite show is b-ball, expect your workout to be a little longer - 20 minutes depending on the number of time outs or overtime.

By the end of the 6-8 weeks you will have increased your exercise commitment and time to 10 or more consecutive minutes.

If you are a consistent exerciser already and want a challenge, perform more repetitions during each commercial break. "You are the master of your fate" and  the outcome of this venture will totally depend on the effort you give.

Are you in????????

OK to sum it up:

  1. I will provide an Exercise Of The Week (6-8 weeks).
  2. We will perform the exercises during the commercial breaks of our favorite TV shows.
  3. By the end we would have learned enough exercises to perform a 20 (or more) minute workout.

So what do you do if you don't have a consistent TV show you watch? You could still participate by jumping off your computer or whatever you're doing 5-6 times in an hour for a 2 minute workout.

Check back for that 1st exercise.

Something is better than nothing

Mrs. Nez


HYPE Ministry said...

I'm in. Let's get it! Question: Are we going to be concerned about the numbers? For example, we will do ten crunches during a 2 minute commercial. We will attempt to do 100 jumping jacks during the commercial break. Do as many pushups as you can before the time is up.

HYPE Ministry said...

HYPE MINISTRY post is me Anthony

Mrs. Nez said...

@ Anthony numbers are not important in the beginning. You want to focus on performing the exercise using the right technique. However, If you feel like you are doing the correct movements, go for it...increase the amount you do within those 2 minutes :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Nez -- this is Auntie (in Little Rock). I'm in. Love you.