Monday, May 17, 2010

My husband who often thinks of me and the stages of my writing, texted me a scripture today that I would like to share with you. ‘He who searches the heart knows the mind of the Spirit’ (Rom 8:27). I am completing a section of writings on the mind and as I begin to ponder this text and try to conclude what Paul was trying to communicate to his readers my mind instantly began to recall another text that reads ‘Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus’ (Phil 2:5). Now by this time I am totally engaged in my own thoughts and forgot all about the other things I set out to accomplish during this lunch hour.

You know I can’t help but go there – BWELA - as I’m reflecting… so here it goes. God knows us, we are His creation and he put his Spirit in us not just to occupy space or waist valuable time, but to help us!!!! He knows the mind of the Spirit that lives in us which is also the same Spirit that dwelt in the mind of Christ Jesus. Ok so where am I going with this. As I reflect on these texts and again on the life of Jesus- the mind of the Master, applying something as simple as activity level and eating habits suddenly becomes a little easier. Why?  Because He openly speaks little about eating habits and literally nothing of His activity level, but what one does not say, often speaks volumes of their beliefs. If I can take a step back and view the mind I would go so far as saying, our minds (the thoughts we think) portray a reversed mirror image of His. Jesus mind set can be witnessed by his daily activities – He performed miracles, He prayed, He walked, He ate, He taught, performed miracles, reclined at the table, He ate, He walked. 
  • He didn’t overdo it or underestimate its value.
  • He didn’t dwell on its importance for the good of His life or health, but pursued the mission.
  • He didn't devalue it or consider it was irrelevant.
  • He didn’t spend hours thinking about His life, what he would eat, drink etc.
  • According to what we have witnessed by His life, we could confidently say this is the mind that must in us –Yes it is the mind that should be in us.
  • He didn’t think on and become consumed by these thoughts, He just did them as a daily part of fulfilling the assignment He was given to complete.
Could it be we give too much of our brain power, mind set, or consumed thoughts to areas of our lives that should be a part of our daily living, but that are not meant to consume our thinking? We worry about what to eat, when to work out, how to eat, “I missed a work out”, “I’m gaining weight”, or “I’m not healthy”. The over-consuming thoughts (worry) of our minds must decrease. Let what you eat and your activity level take its proper place as just a normal part of your daily routine. I know you may be thinking easier said than done, but we have such a great example set before us in Jesus.

What thoughts concerning your health, eating, activity level, etc. do you recognize that are over-consuming or always on your mind?

 Mrs. Nez

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