Monday, March 26, 2012

Exercise of the Week - Week 7

After a refreshing 5am work out I decided to jump on here and give you the exercise of the week. This is not one of the exercises I did today, but taken from last weeks workout. I thought you would enjoy this one. It does not require too much moving but tons of focus and intensity, so be ready to bring it.

 The exercise of the week for week 7 is BANANAS ...who doesn't like a banana once in a while. This is a core body exercise used to improve the strength in the abdominal and lower back areas.

 The step by step instructions are listed below along with some pics that were snapped right after my morning workout, so if I look a little fatigued just know I brought it this morning :) sort of. 

 Step 1

  • Starting Position: lying flat on the floor with your feet flexed upward and arms outstretched over head.
  •  Engage your abdominal muscle to brace your spine and support your back in a neutral or flat position.
  •  Lift the chest and legs off the floor.
  •  Do not arch the back or slump the shoulders. Your head is an extension of your spine.

Step 2

  •  Engage your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine. Try to hold this engagement throughout the exercise.
  •  Hold this up-position for a 5 - 10 seconds count then slowly turn to the right or left side  and repeat the movement from a side angle.
  • Do NOT hold your breath  - counting out loud could help prevent this.

Step 3

  •  Complete a set of quality repetitions which consists of performing the action on each side until you return to your starting position.
  •  Brace your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine and attempt to hold this position throughout the exercise.
  •  Do not  over arch the back by raising the legs or arms higher than the other. 
  • Repeat the same sequence outlined previously. 
  •  Discontinue the exercise when you are unable to maintain good form.
Eat your banana's today and live well

Mrs. Nez

Monday, March 19, 2012

Exercise of the Week - Week 6

This weeks exercise was selected by my youngest son. He said "Jumping Jacks are the best exercise ever".  Jumping Jacks is another one of those exercises that gets the whole body involved. They have been around for years and they still carry the intensity that gets the job done. If the thought of them  start bring back torturous memories from you high school PE class, just remember you don't have to perform them in front of 25 other just you and your TV.

For those that experience knee pain as a result of high impact movements like this you can do a modified jumping jack. This movement does not require you to leave the ground and it extends the left or right arm and leg to the side in an alternating fashion.

Step 1

  • Starting Position:  Stand with your feet together and arms by your sides. 
  • Pull your shoulders blades down and back toward your hips.
  • "Brace" (engage your abdominal / core muscles) to stabilize your spine.

Step 2

  • Downward Phase: Shift your hips back and down. This will create a hinge-like movement at your knees. 
  • Continue to lower yourself until you feel your heels about to lift off the floor. Try to maintain a flat back by bending forward at the hips.
  •  Keep your head facing directly forward and position your arms where they offer the greatest degree of balance support.

Step 3

  • Jumping Movement: With ONLY a slight pause at the bottom of your downward phase, explode up.  
  • As you jump into the air, try to keep your feet level with each other and parallel with the floor. Arms move upward making a the letter V above the head.

Step 4

  • Landing: The most important components of the landing phase is correct foot position, controlled movement, and soft landing, which will decrease the amount of stress placed on knees.

Step 5

  • Try to land softly and quietly on the mid-foot, quickly rolling toward the heels in order to level the foot, making it parallel with the floor.
  •  Always push your hips backwards and drop your hips to absorb the jumping forces. 
  • Do not lock your knees on the landing in order to avoid potential knee injuries.

Make each Jump count

Mrs. Nez

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Exercise of the Week -Week 5

 This weeks exercise is (drum roll please!) ............ Flyers.

I call the exercise skaters because it looks like the same move used when skating.  hummmmm when's the last time you went skating, I can't remember. I do however carry the memories of skating at 'The Rink' growing up in Chicago or placing card-board boxes on the floor to practice my tricks.  It's been a while since I last played on skates, but I can tell you this when I do get the opportunity to go to the rink I will be ready! (lol)

If you like skating this is your chance to get on the action. Make your commercial breaks count this week.

This is a full body exercise that targets the core (abs, butt,  and lower back), legs, and arms. 

Read the step by step instructions before getting started.    

Step 1

Starting position: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Engage your abdominal / core muscles ("bracing") to stiffen your torso and stabilize your spine. Pull your shoulder blades down and back toward your hips. Your arms are hanging comfortably along your side.

Step 2

With the right foot planted on the ground, lift the left knee to hip height. Bend the elbows to ninety degrees. As you raise the left knee, swing the right arm forward and the left arm back.



Step 3

Continue to brace the abdominals to keep the torso rigid and the spine straight. Lean forward on the right hip as you extend the left hip behind you. At the same time, reach the right arm forward and the left elbow back. Keep the right foot firmly planted into the ground to maintain balance and stability. To help maintain balance, find a spot on the floor and fix your gaze on that spot. This will create additional stability.

Step 4

When you have reached what you feel is your end range-of-motion while balanced on your right leg, fully straighten the left elbow, keeping the arm at shoulder height.  Maintain abdominal bracing to ensure balance and stability.  Hold this position for 3-5 seconds.
Keep the abdominals engaged as you return to an upright, standing position. Repeat this movement for a specified number of repetitions or time frame.
Change sides and repeat for the same number of repetitions or period of time.

Exercise instructions courtesy of

Skate your way well
Mrs Nez

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Exercise of the Week - Week 4

We are half way there in our commercial break challenge!
I hope you are having fun building your exercise capacity (2 minutes at a time). At this rate we will never look at our commercial breaks the same. 

This week - Body Weight Squats

Please follow the step by step instructions listed below for proper technique and to avoid injuries. If you have prior knee limitations, try performing each squat to the initial point of pain then return to the starting position.

Step 1

  • Starting Position: Begin standing with your feet slightly wider than hip-width.
  • Toes turned out slightly.
  • Your hands are by your sides with your palms facing inward.
  • Pull the shoulders down your back toward your hips.

  Step 2
  • Engage your abdominal/core muscles to stabilize your spine. Keep your chest lifted and your chin parallel to the floor.
  • Shift your weight back into your heels.
  • Begin to push hips toward the wall behind you.

Step 3

  • Downward Phase: Begin this phase by hinging at the hips, shifting them back and down. 
  • Your hips and knees bend simultaneously. 
  • Try to prevent your knees from traveling too far forward past the toes.
  • Keep the abdominals/core muscles engaged and try to keep your back flat (do not tuck the tail or arch the low back).
 Step 4
  • Continue to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel or almost parallel to the floor. 
  • If your heels begin to lift off the floor or your torso begins to round, return
    to start position. 
  • Be aware of any movement that may occur at your feet, ankles and knees. 
  • Work to ensure that the feet do not move, the ankles do not collapse in or out and the knees remain lined up with the second toe.

Step 5

  • Upward Phase: While maintaining your position.
  • Exhale and return to start position by pushing your feet into the floor through your heels.
  • The hips and torso should rise together. 
  • Keep the heels flat on the floor and knees aligned with the second toe.

Think about inhaling on the way down and exhaling while exerting on the way back to the initial standing position.

Squat your way Well
 Mrs. Nez